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The List of Companies Offering Unique Swag - Hacktoberfest 2023

Hacktoberfest is about making meaningful contributions to open source projects. SPAM for the sake of swag will not be tolerated

First, sign up for Hacktoberfest 2023 by clicking this link Then, read about how to participate in a meaningful way in the FAQ.

See to see how to format your pull request to add a company's swag to the List!

Remember: Swag is an added benefit of helping out these awesome organizations, not the reason for you to contribute in the first place!

Appwrite Appwrite

Appwrite is a proud sponsor of all of Hacktoberfest, as well as the Hacktoberfest Swag List! They understand the importance of connecting developers to open-source projects that could use some help. Appwrite is a self-hosted backend-as-a-service platform that provides developers with all the core APIs required to build any application.

Swag List 2023

The Original - DigitalOcean, Appwrite, and Illacloud

  • Swag: Digital Rewards Kit
  • Requirements: 4 pull requests in any eligible repository
  • How to sign up: Hacktoberfest Website
  • Notes: For your PR to count it must be:
  • Submitted in a public repo, AND
    • The PR is labelled as hacktoberfest-accepted by a maintainer, OR
  • Submitted in a repo labelled hacktoberfest, AND
    • Merged, OR
    • Approved

A to Z Order of Companies




  • Swag: T-shirt, hoodie and stickers.
  • Requirements:
    • 1 merged PR: Akto sticker.
    • 2 merged PRs: Akto t-shirt.
    • 3 merged PRs: Akto hoodie.
    • 4+ merged PRs: all of the above.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: All the Hacktoberfest tagged issues
  • Notes: Check out the Akto tweet for more information.


  • Swag: Stickers, Socks, Gadgets
  • Requirements: Be the top 3 contributors with most accepts PRs/MRs.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: All the open issues.
  • Notes: Read the announcement post for more details around contributing to Alby and other bitcoin-related projects.



  • Swag: Bag, Stickers, Vaunt digital badge.
  • Requirements:
    • Build a plugin and merge PR
    • Find a bug in current plugins and report it with issues.
    • Be one of the top 3 accepted plugins contributors.
  • How to sign up: No signup needed.
  • Issues: Build a plugin repo.
  • Notes: Other details available here.


  • Swag: Swags not disclosed yet.
  • Requirements: Make valid PRs in the Appblock repo
  • How to sign up: Register for this at Appblock website and fill out the Contributor License Agreement.
  • Issues: Find the challenges here
  • Notes: More details available here.


  • Swag: Swag package for 4 winners (top submission per category)
  • Requirements:
    • Build an Appsmith App in one of the following categories: UI Building Block, Starter Templates, Full Apps, or Development Tools
    • Submit your App
    • Be the top submission in your chosen category
  • How to sign up: Create an Appsmith Account and Appsmith Community Account.
  • Notes: Other details in their announcement post and FAQ post.


appwrite logomark



  • Swag: Code contributions: Amazon voucher and stickers. Low/No Code contributions: Amazon vouchers, t-shirt, and stickers
  • Requirements: Code contributions: Accepted PR which fixes hacktoberfest labeled issue in the GitHub project.
  • How to sign up: Fill out this form once your PR is merged.
  • Notes: Check out the Ballerina Hacktoberfest page for more information!


  • Swag: 1st place $1000, 2nd place $500 and 3rd place $250.
  • Requirements:
    • The project must be open source and hosted on GitHub or Gitlab.
    • The project must use Bitwarden
    • The project must be submitted by October 31st, 2023.
  • How to sign up: Submit a link to your project to Bitwarden Hacktoberfest Thread by October 31st, 2023.
  • Notes: Check out the Bitwarden Hacktoberfest Thread for more information!



  • Swag: Wolfi swags
  • Requirements: 1+ merged PRs. Contributors can contribute in three different ways:
    • Identifying Broken PRs: Repo Link.
      • Choose an issue tagged as hacktoberfest from the list. Make sure to leave a comment on the issue so that others know you are working on it.
      • Create a new PR with your changes.
    • Contributing to Chainguard Images: Repo Link.
      • Choose one of the listed issues and test the image on your local environment.
      • Update the image README with instructions on how to use it and any other important information that you think users should know. You should follow the README template for keeping READMEs consistent.
      • Optionally, write a test for the image. Check the "Tests" section of the Best Practices doc for more details on how to go about that.
      • Create a PR to the Chainguard Images repository with your updated README
    • Contributing to Chainguard Academy: Repo Link. Create an Issue and submit a PR to improve the documentation.
  • How to sign up: Reviewers will leave instructions for you in the eligible PR.
  • Issues:
    • For Identifying Broken PRs, refer to this Issue list
    • For Contributing to Chainguard Images, refer to this Issue list
    • For Contributing to Chainguard Academy, refer to this Issue list
  • Notes: Check out the Chainguard Hacktoberfest blog post.


  • Swag: $25 for each merged PR, exclusive Chimoney T-shirts and Stickers
  • Requirements: 1+ merged PRs
  • How to sign up: No special signup needed, however you can join the community channel for assistance.
  • Issues: Explore the list of issues in the community repository.
  • Notes: Check out the Chimoney Hacktoberfest Blog and you can even register for skill-building workshops here.


  • Swag: A Clickvote T-shirt (Maximum 10 T-shirts)
  • Requirements: Made 3 valuable PRs in the Clickvote repo.
  • How to sign up: No special signup required.
  • Issues: Find all the issues here.
  • Notes: For more details, visit ClickVote.


  • Swag: T-shirt, Stickers, Cloudinary unicorn.
  • Requirements: Make 4 or more valid PRs in Cloudinary libraries and SDKs with the hacktoberfest label.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Notes: Visit Cloudinary for the list of eligible libraries and SDKs.


  • Swag: T-shirt, Stickers and more swags.
  • Requirements: Make 4 meaningful PRs in any repo with >100 stars
  • How to sign up: Fill out this form.
  • Notes: Visit Collectiv blog post for more information.


  • Swag: T-shirt and socks.
  • Requirements:
    • Contributors making one valid pull request will receive Configu Socks.
    • Contributors making two or more valid pull requests will secure a Configu Limited-Edition Hacktoberfest T-shirt.
    • Only the person assigned by Configu's Team will be considered a valid contributor.
  • How to sign up: No special sign up required.
  • Issues:
  • Notes: For more details read the Configu repo here





  • Swag: Unsure, Depths branded swag
  • Requirements:
    • Complete the "#30DaysofOpenSource" Challenge by reading daily and writing comments based on what you learned.
    • Have at least one pull request merged in October as part of Hacktoberfest.
  • How to sign up: Register at Depths.
  • Notes: Visit the Depths 30 Days of Open Source Learning Challenge page here.


  • Swag: Stickers
  • Requirements: Make 2 valid PRs against open issues or creating a new issue yourself.
  • How to sign up: Register at devICT to track your contributions.
  • Notes: All the eligible projects at devICT, MakeICT and Wichita Community are listed in the announcement post.



  • Swag: T-shirt
  • Requirements: Make meaningful contributions by improving the documentation or creating new guides or by improving the existing UI/UX or designing a new feature.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: Check open issues at docsGPT.
  • Notes: Read more at the Hacktoberfest post.


  • Swag: Cap, stickers
  • Requirements: Contribute to any of issues.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: Check open issues at Dyrectorio
  • Notes: Read more at the Hacktoberfest swag post.

  • Swag: Bottles, stickers
  • Requirements: Create and contribute to new issues.
    • One bottle per merged PR for sample Applications
    • Stickers for every relevant issue created.
    • Bottle for every blog, tutorial or documentation contribution at Dyte Docs, send an email to know more about blog/tutorial contribution.
  • How to sign up: Create a relevant issue in one of the open source repos.
  • Issues: Check open issues at Repositories
  • Notes: Read more at the Hacktoberfest post.



  • Swag: T-shirt
  • Requirements: Get 2 or more PRs accepted in eKuiper or NanoMQ projects.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues:
  • Notes: Read more about the eligible projects.



  • Swag: Accepted PRs will get a Featureform Swag package and will be entered for a raffle for a $500 gift card
  • Requirements:
    • All contributors that have a merged PR or tutorial submissions will receive commemorative swag and will be entered into a $500 raffle!
    • Technical Contributions that are merged will receive a $250 gift card!
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: See the Featureform Repository issues
  • Notes: To know more , visit Featureform


  • Swag: Flyte t-shirts, stickers, sweatshirts, Amazon gift cards, and water bottles
  • Requirements:
    • 2 merged/accepted PRs: t-shirt and sticker
    • 3 merged/accepted PRs: water bottle and sticker
    • Plugin: Amazon gift card
    • 3+ merged/accepted PRs: Flyte crew neck sweatshirt and sticker
  • How to sign up: Fill out this form after you create a pull request on or before Oct. 31, 2023.
  • Issues: See the Flyte Hacktoberfest Repo
  • Notes: For more information on how to get started with Flyte during Hacktoberfest, check out their blog post.


  • Swag: Digital Copy of Flutter Cookbook
  • Requirements: One PR (only first 3 contributors are eligible for the swag)
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: See the Flutter_Deck Repo
  • Notes: For more information see the original post on Twitter


  • Swag: Apple Macbook Air M2, Hoodies, T-shirts, Stickers
  • Requirements: Formbricks is looking to ship an Open Source version of Typeform during Hacktoberfest. Code, documentation, social media, design, and other contributions get you on their leaderboard. The higher you are on the leaderboard, the higher your chances of swag. Just complete any 1 quest and get in the draw.
  • How to sign up: FormTribe
  • Issues:



  • Swag: Shirt, hoodies, mugs, stickers and more swag.
  • Requirements:
    • Join with a squad of up to 5 members or get assigned to a random squad.
    • Each accepted PR from each squad member is worth 1 point.
    • Contribution to repositories with more than 200 stars will be counted.
    • The top 60 squads will win swag.
    • You are not allowed to contribute to your own repository.
  • How to sign up: Sign up at
  • Notes: FAQ and rules available at


  • Swag: MacBook Pro 14" M2, Yubikey 5C and exclusive Hanko swag.
  • Requirements:
    • Create any functioning app that can be hosted online with Hanko auth integrated.
      • Ensure you have a public repository with a comprehensive README document.
      • Star the Hanko GitHub repo.
      • While it's not mandatory, share your project on social media and tag @hanko_io.
    • Customize Hanko Elements.
  • How to sign up: Submit your project by clicking here.
  • Notes: For more Information visit Hanko's Hackathon page here.


  • Swag: Winner: $1000, $750, $500 and t-shirt + sticker pack.
  • Requirements:
    • For the cash award: Build and execute the fastest GraphQL gateway. Submit a link to your git repository as a GitHub issue and raise a PR to the file here to be added to the competition.
    • For the t-shirt + sticker pack: contribute to the Hasura Docs, specifically issues tagged for hacktoberfest.
  • How to sign up: You will be contacted in your PR to fill out an order form, if your PRs are accepted.
  • Notes: Find more information and instructions on this GitHub Repo and also check out this article


  • Swag: Exclusive swag package.
  • Requirements: Contribute to open issues with the tag hacktoberfest at the haystack repository.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: Open issues at haystack with the hacktoberfest label.
  • Notes: Check this tweet for more information about the swag package.


Hugging Face

  • Swag: Prizes (Specific prizes not revealed yet).
  • Requirements: Submit a PR with a collection of projects or applications integrated with Hugging Face libraries.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Notes: You can either submit a hand-curated collection or collections created using automatic techniques. For more information check the huggingface challenge page.



Illa Cloud

  • Swag: Stickers, Fridge Magnet pack, OSS Pack.
  • Requirements:
    • Build an app using Illa or build an AI Agent using Illa and contribute to the Illa Marketplace to gain points.
    • Earn 1+ points for an Illa Hacktoberfest badge.
    • Earn 50-90 points for a sticker and fridge magnet pack.
    • Earn 90+ points or get a PR merged to win the OSS pack.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Notes: Get two months of membership to use ILLA Cloud with the promotion code ILLAHacktoberFest. Find other details here.


  • Swag: Stickers, Bottle, Mug.
  • Requirements:
    • Earn credits by contributing with code or create & share an Instill Cloud pipeline or create comprehensive guides demonstrating the power of InstillVDP
    • Be in the top 30% of contributing participants.
  • How to sign up: Use this submission form to claim your credits.
  • Issues: Open issues in the community repo.
  • Notes: Read the guidelines and other details in the announcement post.

Interledger Foundation

  • Swag: T-shirt, Stickers, Limited edition Swag
  • Requirements:
    • Get a T-shirt for 1 or more accepted pull requests (First 150 contributors)
    • Get a T-shirt + limited edition swag for 4+ accepted pull requests (First 10 contributors)
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: Open issues in the Interledger repositories
  • Notes: Instructions on how to claim the rewards will be updated here on this post.


JavaScript Today

  • Swag: Stickers.
  • Requirements: Be the first 50 people to submit a PR to their Hacktoberfest repo.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Notes: Read more at JavaScript Today.



  • Swag: Cash prizes
  • Requirements: Make PRs to solve the issue labeled under `hacktoberfest``.
  • How to sign up: No special signup is known.
  • Issues: Eligible Issues.
  • Notes: Check more details at KodaDot Twitter account.


Loft Labs

  • Swag: T-shirts, Mechanical Keyboard and Exclusive Swag Kit/Box
  • Requirements: Contribute to the vCluster and/or DevPod projects from Loft Labs.
    • 1 merged/accepted PRs: T-shirt
    • 2 merged/accepted PRs: A brand new Mechanical Keyboard
    • 4+ merged/accepted PRs: An exclusive swag box from Loft Labs
  • How to sign up: Submit this form with links of merged/accepted PRs.
  • Issues: -Checkout vCluster Issues. -Checkout DevPod Issues.
  • Notes: Swag details and other rules available on Loft Labs' Blog. Join Community Slack for any questions.




  • Swag: Limited-Edition Swag.
  • Requirements:
    • Contribute to any of the Mattermost projects or improve the documentation or improve accessibility with better translations.
    • Make valid contribution to QA during Hacktoberfest for an extra swag.
  • How to sign up: Join the Mattermost channel.
  • Notes: The Custom QA swag will be awarded with any other Mattermost swag you earn through other contributions. Check the Mattermost Hacktoberfest 2023 page for more details.


  • Swag: Razer Blade 16 Laptop, anything from the swag store, cloud credits and guided mentorship.
  • Requirements:
    • Perform coding and non-coding tasks to earn credits.
    • You'll see the number of credits you earn inside each issue.
    • Redeem credits for Swag of your choice.
    • For every 100 credits earned, you will receive one entry into the draw to win the laptop.
    • Standout contributors will earn cloud credits at MindsDB and guided mentorship.
  • How to sign up: Submit this form with links of merged PRs to claim your credits.
  • Issues: All the open issues.
  • Notes: Swag details and other rules available at MindsDB.

MLH Global Hack Week

  • Swag: Sticker pack and postcard
  • Requirements:
  • Participate in MLH Global Hack Week challenges.
  • Attend MLH Global Open Source Week events.
  • Earn points for each challenge completed and event attended.
  • Be in the top point earners to win swag, including stickers, postcards, and other items.
  • How to sign up: Get started by visiting the MLH Global Hack Week website here to register and access challenge details.
  • Notes: Look at the swags and check out the FAQ for more details



Native Script

  • Swag: Free Swag
  • Requirements:
    • Create a neat StackBlitz or Contribute a quality PR.
    • Tweet about it mentioning @NativeScript
    • DM your address to Native Script to get the swag
  • How to sign up: No Special Sign Up required, DM once done.
  • Notes: For more information refer to the Native Script tweet


  • Swag: T-shirt, Stickers pack
  • Requirements: Make 3 merged PRs to win the swag pack.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: All the open issues
  • Notes: More details available here.



  • Swag: T-shirt
  • Requirements: Make 3 successful merged PRs to win one of twenty Odigos t-shirts.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: Find the available issues here.
  • Notes: For more details, visit the Odigos repo.


  • Swag: T-shirt, Cap
  • Requirements:
    • To get both T-shirt and Cap:
      • Create 1 Custom OpenBB Extension.
    • To get 1 of the both items, you need to do one of the following:
      • 5 no-code contributions
      • 3 code/performance enhancements
      • 1 non-extension feature Once you've completed your contribution, please follow these steps:
    • Sign up on the OpenBB Hub at OpenBB
    • Either DM us (or Didier) on Twitter, email us at [email protected], or hop into our Discord with your PR (or PyPi extension link).
    • Let us know what swag you'd like us to ship and where.
  • How to sign up: Sign up here
  • Issues: Find the available issues here
  • Notes: For More details, visit OpenBB.


  • Swag: T-shirts for everyone who does 7 or more contributions
  • Requirements:
    • To get the T-shirt:
      • Start contributing with code or non-code issues.
      • You can start your own issues suggesting how you can add value to the project.
    • DM them on Twitter OpenSignLabs
    • Or you can message them on their Discord server OpenSignLabs with your PR list.
  • Issues: Find the available issues here
  • Notes: For more details, visit this OpenSign Medium post.


  • Swag: Swag (Specific Swags not mentioned)
  • Requirements: Make 3 successful merged PRs to win swags
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Notes: check out this tweet and the repositories of Otterize


  • Swag: Eligible for a lottery to win a prize (unspecified).
  • Requirements: Have at least 4 PRs merged into the principal branch of the OVH Repos below to be eligible to a lottery to win a prize.
  • How to sign up: No special signup needed.
  • Issues: Find eligible repositories having the hacktoberfest topic here.
  • Notes: You may read the OVH Cloud Hacktoberfest blog post here.


  • Swag: Shirts and stickers
  • Requirements: Make contributors to pixi and rattler-build repositories.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues:
  • Notes: Check their twitter for more updates.



  • Swag: QuestDB t-shirt.
  • Requirements:
    • Read the QuestDB
    • Pick one issue from the open issues below that you plan to work on. Leave some for other contributors.
    • Address any review comments before asking for another review.
    • Successfully contribute and close the issue.
  • How to sign up: No special signup needed.
  • Issues: List of open issues here and here.
  • Notes: Full details are mentioned here.


  • Swag: Exclusive Quine merch.
  • Requirements:
    • Valid PRs starting from October 12th - October 31st.
    • Contributions should be made to issues with the hacktoberfest label in repos found at Quine (after clicking on "Contribute").
    • Be in the top 50 contributors of this leaderboard.
  • How to sign up: Log in to Quine via GitHub and click on the Contribute tab to search for repos to contribute.
  • Issues: Open issues for eligible repos at the Quine contribute page.
  • Notes:



  • Swag: T-Shirt.
  • Requirements: 1 or more accepted and merged PRs
  • How to sign up: No special signup needed.
  • Issues: List of open issues here.
  • Notes: More details here.


  • Swag: Stickers, Mug, Cap, T-shirt, and Hoodie.
  • Requirements:
    • Star the repo here.
    • Go to issues tagged hacktoberfest.
    • For every PR merged in Revert, you get spooky pumpkins.
    • Collect as many spooky pumpkins as you can before 31st October 2023.
    • You can get swag based on spooky pumpkins: Stickers - 100 pumpkins | Mug - 250 pumpkins | Cap - 250 pumpkins | T-shirt - 500 pumpkins | Hoodie - 1000 pumpkins
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: All the open hacktoberfest issues.
  • Notes: More details available here.


  • Swag: Stickers
  • Requirements: 1 or more accepted PRs.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: All the open issues
  • Notes: More details available here.



Sia Foundation

  • Swag: T-shirt.
  • Requirements: Be the first 20 to contribute to any Sia Foundation repo.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Notes: Check their twitter for more information.

Stack Builders

  • Swag: Gift cards up to 400€
  • Requirements:
    • The description of the PR must include the line "As part of [Stack Builders Inc.]( Hacktoberfest 2023 event."
    • The PR link must be sent through their contribution’s Google Form.
    • Register your contributions anytime between October 1st and October 31st.
    • They will assess it on the basis of quantity and quality.
  • How to sign up: Register at this Google Form
  • Issues:

  • Notes: To know more, visit the Stack Builders Hacktoberfest page


  • Swag: Official Swags from the SurrealDB store
  • Requirements:
    • Contribute Pull Requests against this issue for the Starter Kits section of the repo
    • Every participant that has PR against this issue is eligible for the rewards.
    • Your repository should have:
      • Include a clear, step-by-step README for setup.
      • Instructions to use your starter kit as a basis for other use cases.
      • Provide straightforward Contribution Guides for others to contribute effectively.
  • How to sign up: No special sign up needed.
  • Issues: Eligible issues.
  • Notes: Read more details here.


  • Swag: Gift cards up to $100.
  • Requirements: 4 merged PRs, or create tutorials.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Notes: Visit Swirl for more details and the complete list of prizes.





  • Swag: Stickers, hoodies, t-shirt, socks and cash prize pool of USD 6660.
  • Requirements: Participate as a solo developer or a team of 2-4 to build a SDK for the platform.
  • How to sign up: Sign up for Treblle Hacktoberfest
  • Notes: Visit Treblle Hacktoberfest 2023 for more details and the announcement page for complete list of prizes.

Truffle Security

  • Swag: 13 inch MacBook Air (M2) for 1st place, Timbuk2 Backpack for 2nd place, and Custom TruffleHog Swag for the 3rd place in the Detector Competition.
  • Requirements: There are two categories for the Detector Competition:

    • adding new detectors (1 point)
    • fixing detectors (2 points).

    Each merged PR with a Hacktoberfest-Detector-Competition-New or Hacktoberfest-Detector-Competition-Fix will be awarded 1 or 2 points, respectively. Submit PRs in the Trufflehog Repository and earn points to win prizes.

  • How to sign up: No special sign up required.

  • Issues: Find issues in the Trufflehog Repository
  • Notes: Check out the Hacktoberfest Repository, join the Slack Community and Secret Scanning Discord for more details.


  • Swag: Turbot & Steampipe T-shirts and Stickers
  • Requirements:
    • We will offer unique Turbot stickers and t-shirts for no-code, low-code and high-code contributions.
    • At least 1 accepted PR from any of our 200+ public GitHub repos, marked with topic hacktoberfest.
  • How to sign up: No required signup necessary.
  • Issues: Eligible projects and issues.
  • Notes: Read more details in the announcement post and join our Turbot community #contributors channel with any questions.


Uno Platform

  • Swag: Stickers, Sweater, T-shirt, stickers and eBook.
  • Requirements:
    • 9 Quality Pull Requests: Uno Platform Sweater.
    • 4 Quality Pull Requests: Uno Platform T-shirt and stickers.
    • 2 Quality Pull Requests: Get Started with the Uno Platform and WinUI 3 ebook.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: Check the curated issues board or you can request the addition of hacktoberfest label to open issues in any of the Uno platform repos.
  • Notes: Visit Uno Platform Hacktoberfest 2023 for more details and the complete list of prizes.



  • Swag: Swag Package containing a mug, backpack, t-shirt, hoodie, hat, mascot doll, and a digital badge.
  • Requirements: 5 accepted PRs on the within vesoft-inc or nebula-contrib repos will receive a digital badge of the NebulaGraph Hacktoberfest MVP 2023 and the NebulaGraph Swag Package.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: Available tasks are located here and here
  • Notes: Read the announcement post for more details.






  • Swag: T-shirt, Stickers pack
  • Requirements: Contribute to any of the issues marked with hacktoberfest label.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: All the open issues.
  • Notes: More details available here.


  • Swag: T-Shirts, Stickers, Special swag.
  • Requirements:
    • WireMock Ecosystem projects marked with a hacktoberfest topic by their maintainers.
    • Judge contributions by the most active contributors, quality and value.
  • How to sign up: Sign up for registration form
  • Notes: Read more at event page WireMock Hacktoberfest.



  • Swag: Swag Pack (t-shirts + stickers)
  • Requirements: Any of:
    • 3 merged PRs in the Milvus project
    • Building a demo app using Milvus
    • Writing a blog post where Milvus was used in a recent project
    • Creating a video/written tutorial to help new users/maintainers get started with Milvus.
  • How to sign up: No special signup known.
  • Issues: See the list of open issues here.
  • Notes: Check out Zilliz Hacktoberfest page and the Contributing Guide for more details. Additionally, you can follow them on Twitter here and join the Discord here.

Disclaimer: This website is a fan and community made creation. It is not affiliated with Hacktoberfest or any company offering swag.

Presented by DigitalOcean

If you're looking for the Swag List from 2018 through 2022 click here for the GitHub releases, click here for the tags, and see the 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 branches.